Tuesday, July 12, 2022

summer of  2020... the one where there’s a pandemic and quarantine

Sooooooo, it’s been a while and we’re in the middle of a pandemic but life is beginning to return to some normal.

Rory and Rudder are at school senior and sophomore year respectively

Rye started sophomore year at BL last week. She had three weeks online, two as half days in person and then full time. Although you could choose to keep your kid home all year and go online. Nope! Too important be learning all the other lessons kids learn at school beyond academics

Reid heads back to Tech Saturday to start junior year.

And now it's July 2022 and I just figured out ow to sing into the blog again! I saw that I never published the entry from Quarantine so I'll just add on to it. 

Here's the quick rundown on life since lockdown:

  • New dog Spring break of 2018!  Mac the poodle/terrier mix that kept us laughing during Covid!
  • Becca was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in O=November of 2019 and fought it hard until it finally took her November 11, 2021. We just had her first birthday without her here yesterday. We met with David and his family at her columbarium at St. Joseph's in Richardson and prayed and sang happy birthday. Then had a fun dinner at Mi Cocina. Regis and I ordered vegetarian in her honor!
  • The big tree "Tree Beard" is coming down today. he's been a good defender of our home the entire time we've lived here. But he's been dropping branches and finally dropped one so large it took out a limb on the breezeway tree. It was a blessing no one was under it when it happened. it's sad but we're leaving his big stump as a table! We also have several slices from him for each of us. I might make a Christmas ornament out of one!
  • Rory graduated ND May of 2021 and is beginning SMU law school in the fall
  • Reid has one more semester left at TT. He had a great semester in ROME fall of 2021. W got to visit for a week. And he's going to be part of the ACS at Jesuit this coming school year. 
  • Rudd will be a senior at X. He had a summer study in Rome and came back last week and brough us all wonderful gifts and a horrible cold as well. We all got sick at the lake but are on the mend.
  • Rye will be a senior at BL. SHe's working at the studio front desk and is going to be a football trainer this year!